protects threatened biodiversity

By making
Anolis chloris, Canande Reserve
0°31'27.49"N, 79°12'45.45"W
how we do it
We make Conservation Investable
  • High Value Conservation
  • Transparent Verification
    & Reporting
  • Tradable Biodiversity
    & Carbon Rights
Panthera onca,Canande Reserve
0°31'27.49"N, 79°12'45.45"W
©️Nicolas Devos
A superior way to invest in nature
Each IC®Token represents 50 years of carbon and biodiversity rights
Achieve 5-10x the climate impact at
10-50% of the cost
of a typical nature based carbon project
Protect the world’s most threatened and biodiverse regions
Streamline tradability
and transparent legal contracts
Yanacocha Reserve
0°6’41.49″S 78°35’7.01″
1 IC® Token = 1 ha of tropical forest = 50 years of carbon and biodiversity rights*. Our conservation projects are based in the most biodiverse and threatened tropical forests regions. Projects employ on the ground science-based conservation, verified by independent data, and shared through frequent and transparent reports to investors.  Learn more in our white paper

* Token does not represent land ownership
how it works
We invest in conservation areas that protect at-risk tropical forests.
1 token = 1 hectare linked to a specific hectare of carbon and biodiversity credits ownership.
More money per dollar (85%) invested than industry averages goes to forest owners to protect nature.
Every hectare is monitored via satellite auditing by Orbify®, confirming the forest is intact.
get started


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Once logged in you can connect
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Connect Wallet
Bought tokens will be saved
in your wallet.


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documents in real time.


Buy IC Token®
Choose project to invest in and buy
the token.
our projects
Yanacocha ReserveYanacocha Reserve
Yanacocha reserve is essential in protecting the critically endangered Black-breasted Puffleg, a hummingbird with a very limited range of distribution and four other globally threatened bird species: Andean Guan, Andean Condor, Imperial snipe and Giant Conebill.
Tapichalaca ReserveTapichalaca Reserve
Tapichalaca reserve is an indispensable place for the conservation of 30 endemic orchid species that have been discovered within the reserve. Ecuador is home to over 14% of the world’s 30,000 orchid species.
Copalinga ReserveCopalinga Reserve
Copalinga reserve has an extremely high level of biodiversity, including botanical, amphibian and bird diversity, with approximately 220 bird types with threatened species, including Gray Tinamou, White-necked Parakeet, Coppery-chested Jacamar, Ecuadorian Piedtail.
Borneo ReserveBorneo Reserve
The Borneo community reserve is vital in the conservation of the Bornean Orang-utan and other key species like the Sun Bear, Sunda Clouded Leopard, Marbled Cat, East Bornean Gray Gibbon and to date, the only place where the critically endangered Miller’s Grizzled Langur is found.
IC-Token Methodology
Outlines Carbon Calculation,
Conservation Standard,
Oversight and Monitoring.
Key project eligibility criteria
  • Deforestation threat
  • High Conservation Value 
  • Carbon sequestration 
  • Private/Community
    land ownership
The methodology defines the climate impact resulting from conservation of tropical forests and aims to maximize funding for climate and biodiversity benefits.
InvestConservation® is a mission-driven company run by an experienced management team with expertise from Biodiversity Conservation, Forestry, Carbon Markets, Finance, Sustainability and Tech.
John Rogers
founder & ceo
John has 25 years of experience in finance and asset management. He was a founding director of New Forests, a $7B sustainable forestry asset management company. John has seen the transformative power of capital but also seen the failure of 30 years of carbon markets to halt tropical deforestation and the loss of biodiversity. This was the inspiration to found InvestConservation®.
Dr. Martin Schaefer
Martin is a conservationist with over 30 years experience. As CEO of Fundación Jocotoco, Martin has spearheaded various large-scale programs, protecting >100,000 hectares in biodiversity hotspots, rapidly expanding conservation impact at all the Jocotoco reserves.
Pietro Pasolini
Pietro is the founder and CEO of Green Future Project which was founded in 2020. Born in Brazil, Pietro has travelled to more than 120 countries as a documentary photographer. He has witnessed the healing power that wild places have on the human soul and is devoted to protecting them.
Andres Vergara
Andres is a global marketer with 20+ years of experience in the advertising industry, successfully handling international marketing rollouts for both climate technology and purpose-driven companies with award-winning results.
Anja Rundquist
Anja has global FinTech and sustainability experience in information services. For the past 15+ years, she has served in multiple countries and corporate roles for leading fortune 500 companies and prominent pioneers in sustainability innovation.
Francesco Noceti
Francesco is a senior Blockchain developer with experience on many successful projects. Founder of Neffet, developed applications focusing on the sustainability of the entire ecosystem.
Conservation Projects
How do I know what the conservation spend the money on?
What is the 15% IC money used for?
Can I visit the reserve?
IC Tokens®
What is the InvestConservation Token?
Is this an NFT?
Is this crypto?
How do I buy tokens?
How is the token priced?
Is there a price cap if I choose to list the token to sell it?
How does the Trading of token work?
Are there any risks associated with token purchases?
Why blockchain tokens?
Is blockchain bad for the environment?
What is a Wallet?
Can I invest without a wallet?
How do I set up a wallet?
How do I connect my wallet to the marketplace?
InvestConservation® is a mission driven company specialized in providing & managing high-quality projects that safeguard threatened biodiversity in tropical forests. Join us in making conservation investable by contacting us to discuss your nature protection opportunities with us.
contact us
contact us
If you would like to buy a large set of our IC-Tokens feel free to contact us, or just curious to know more?
Our team would love to answer your questions or explain our offering in more detail.
For more information, email us info@investconservation.com
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