Yanacocha reserve is essential in protecting the critically endangered Black-breasted Puffleg, a hummingbird with a very limited range of distribution and four other globally threatened bird species: Andean Guan, Andean Condor, Imperial snipe and Giant Conebill.

Location: Western slope Pichincha volcano, Andes, Ecuador.
Coordinates: 0°6’41.49″S 78°35’7.01″W
Total Size: 1200 hectares

Conservation Partner: Fundación Jocotoco acquired this reserve in 2001 and through a mix of active reforestation and natural regeneration has allowed the reserve to recover from previous selective logging.
Biodiversity: Habitat of endangered bird species like the critically endangered Black-breasted Puffleg, and Andean Guan, Andean Condor, Imperial snipe, and Giant Conebill. Mammals in the reserve include the endangered Spectacled Bear as well as Andean Wolf, Western Andean Coati, Andean Guanta, Red brocket deer, Oncilla, and Puma.

Deforestation Risk: This reserve is recovering from earlier selective logging in the forested area and some earlier burning of the paramo (high altitude grasslands).
Reserve absorbs 5,500 tonnes CO2e per annum
1 IC® Token = 1 ha of tropical forest
Each IC®Token represents 50 years of carbon and biodiversity rights linked to a unique hectare. Token does not represent land ownership.
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