Copalinga Reserve
Copalinga Reserve has an extremely high level of biodiversity, including botanical, amphibian and bird diversity, with approximately 220 bird types with threatened species, including Gray Tinamou, White-necked Parakeet, Coppery-chested Jacamar, Ecuadorian Piedtail.
Location: Tropical sub-montane Andean forests, Ecuador.
Coordinates: 4°5’26.72″S 78°35’7.01″W
Total Size: 137 hectares
Conservation Partner: Fundación Jocotoco acquired this reserve in 2017 to protect and preserve its untouched conservation where less than 10% of the area has been altered, the rest is covered by primary forests.
Biodiversity: Haven to approximately 220 birds, the conservation area hosts threatened species including: Gray Tinamou, White-necked Parakeet, Coppery-chested Jacamar, and Ecuadorian Piedtail. Key mammals include: the Jaguarundi and the South American Coati.
Deforestation Risk: This reserve is recovering from earlier selective logging in the forested area and some earlier burning of the paramo (high altitude grasslands).
Reserve absorbs 5,500 tonnes CO2e per annum
1 IC® Token = 1 ha of tropical forest
Each IC®Token represents 50 years of carbon and biodiversity rights linked to a unique hectare. Token does not represent land ownership.
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